Commit 43969b4b authored by Florent Revest's avatar Florent Revest

Adds a recipe for ttf-roboto and makes asteroid-launcher depend on it for the...

Adds a recipe for ttf-roboto and makes asteroid-launcher depend on it for the upcoming default watchface
parent 9a63c8b1
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit qmake5
DEPENDS += "lipstick"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "qtdeclarative-qmlplugins qml-asteroid qtwayland-plugins qtgraphicaleffects-qmlplugins nemo-qml-plugin-time nemo-qml-plugin-contextkit nemo-qml-plugin-configuration asteroid-wallpapers"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "qtdeclarative-qmlplugins qml-asteroid qtwayland-plugins qtgraphicaleffects-qmlplugins nemo-qml-plugin-time nemo-qml-plugin-contextkit nemo-qml-plugin-configuration asteroid-wallpapers ttf-roboto"
FILES_${PN} += "/usr/share/asteroid-launcher/ /usr/lib/systemd/user/"
do_install_append() {
SUMMARY = "Roboto fonts - TTF Version"
SECTION = "fonts"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/Apache-2.0;md5=89aea4e17d99a7cacdbeed46a0096b10"
PR = "r0"
# we don't need a compiler nor a c library for these fonts
inherit allarch
inherit qmake5_paths
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https"
SRCREV = "f4b08009088d112fc495cb47adb97f1aa83f1967"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
FONT_PACKAGES = "ttf-roboto"
do_install() {
# Different versions of OE seems to require different places for fonts so we install in both share and lib...
install -d ${D}/${OE_QMAKE_PATH_QT_FONTS}
find ./ -name 'hinted/*.tt[cf]' -exec install -m 0644 {} ${D}/${OE_QMAKE_PATH_QT_FONTS} \;
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