Commit 4fb2ae59 authored by Florent Revest's avatar Florent Revest

Factorizes code from asteroid-image and asteroid-image-dev in the asteroid...

Factorizes code from asteroid-image and asteroid-image-dev in the asteroid distro and the asteroid-image.bbclass
parent 3e4e6e81
inherit core-image
IMAGE_INSTALL += "base-files base-passwd shadow systemd tzdata coreutils bash file findutils gawk grep procps psmisc sed util-linux sudo module-init-tools less logrotate tar zlib gzip bzip2 connman bluez cinematicexperience asteroid-launcher android"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " gstreamer010"
...@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ DISTRO = "asteroid" ...@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ DISTRO = "asteroid"
DISTRO_NAME = "Asteroid" DISTRO_NAME = "Asteroid"
DISTRO_VERSION ?= "${DATE}-snapshot" DISTRO_VERSION ?= "${DATE}-snapshot"
DISTRO_FEATURES = "wayland systemd alsa ipv4 ${DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC}" DISTRO_FEATURES = "wayland systemd alsa ipv4 ${DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC} splash package-management"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg = "libjpeg-turbo" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg = "libjpeg-turbo"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg-native = "libjpeg-turbo-native" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg-native = "libjpeg-turbo-native"
inherit core-image inherit asteroid-image
DESCRIPTION = "Asteroid image for developers, contains debugging tools"
DESCRIPTION = "Asteroid Image." IMAGE_INSTALL += "strace ltrace gdb valgrind elfutils"
IMAGE_INSTALL += "base-files base-passwd netbase keymaps strace ltrace procps gdb dosfstools nano bash acl coreutils e2fsprogs file findutils gawk grep makedevs mktemp ncurses net-tools psmisc sed tar time util-linux zlib iproute2 iputils iptables module-init-tools openssl ethtool gzip shadow sudo at bzip2 elfutils dbus dbus-glib less logrotate tzdata sysfsutils systemd qtbase qtbase-tools lipstick cinematicexperience"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " gstreamer010"
IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash package-management"
inherit core-image inherit asteroid-image
DESCRIPTION = "Asteroid image for users"
DESCRIPTION = "Asteroid Image."
IMAGE_INSTALL += "base-files base-passwd netbase keymaps procps dosfstools nano bash acl coreutils e2fsprogs file findutils gawk grep ncurses net-tools psmisc sed tar time util-linux zlib iproute2 iputils iptables module-init-tools openssl ethtool gzip shadow sudo at bzip2 elfutils dbus dbus-glib less logrotate tzdata sysfsutils systemd qtbase qtbase-tools lipstick cinematicexperience android"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " gstreamer010"
IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash package-management"
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