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asteroid-alarmclock asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
asteroid-btsyncd Make various previously implicit dependencies explicit for OE pyro
asteroid-calculator asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
asteroid-calendar asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
asteroid-launcher asteroid-launcher: Export QT_IM_MODULE to make sur BluetoothAgent.qml finds QtVirtualKeyboard and instanciates correctly
asteroid-music asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
asteroid-settings asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
asteroid-stopwatch asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
asteroid-timer asteroid-timer: RDEPENDS on nemo-keepalive
asteroid-wallpapers Use SRCPV instead of SRCREV in PV
asteroid-weather asteroid-apps: No longer depends on mapplauncherd since it's now transparently handled by qml-asteroid's AsteroidApp module
qml-asteroid qml-asteroid: Adapt recipe to the existence of the new AsteroidApp module
supported-languages supported-languages: RDEPENDS on a few extra unicode fonts